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White Paper

Effective Change Management for AI-Driven Business Transformation in Trucking

Most trucking industry leaders recognize that it’s time to move on from manually-driven operations and embrace advanced technologies. But the complexity of transformation can seem overwhelming.

Effective Change Management for AI-Driven Business Transformation in Trucking

This is particularly true for Artificial Decision Intelligence which automates fundamental decision making vs. just augmenting a human task. This technology is at a point where it can take over the large majority of freight planning decisions within a trucking organization today; however, without proper change management, it can be difficult to realize the full value of the solution.

But where do you start? And how do you ensure a successful transformation? In this whitepaper we partnered with Metafora to examine the key issues surrounding a successful AI implementation, including:

  • Recognizing the need for change

  • The importance of change management

  • A tactical approach to managing change in trucking

  • 6 Keys to a successful AI implementation

We then illustrate how one trucking company, BCB Transport, has successfully used these principles to transform their business.

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